The Kern Valley River Council hosted a series of six ICF Wildwater World Cup races June 14 to June 22, 2003 on the Kern River, Kernville, California, U.S.A. Athletes from more than 15 countries participated. Sanctioned by the International Canoe Federation's Wildwater Committee and USA Canoe & Kayak,
under a special permit granted by the U.S. Forest Service, Sequoia National Forest, the races were held at several locations on the Upper
and Lower Kern River, highlighting the Kern River Valley’s excellent whitewater and scenic streams, canyons and mountains.


The goal in wildwater racing is to paddle a stretch of river as fast as possible. Racers use sleek, 15 ft. long boats that are very fast, but difficult to
maneuver through rapids. The 2003 Kern World Cups will be comprised of one sprint race and one classic race at each of three different sites. There are winners for each World Cup
race, and an overall World Cups champion.
Festivities will also include opening and closing ceremonies, six Wildwater World Cups races, non-racing events for athletes and visitors, team parties, dinners
honoring international officials and event sponsors, and other activities. In addition to the local media, the World Cups will be covered by European television, with some live coverage.
A documentary about the Kern River, the World Cups, and California whitewater is also planned.
The Kern Valley River Council, a California nonprofit corporation dedicated to river conservation on the Kern River, organizes the annual Kern River Festival each April. The KVRC has also hosted Wildwater and Slalom Regional Trails and other events on the Kern River. KVRC President, Terry Valle, spearheaded the successful effort to host the U.S. Whitewater Slalom National Championships on the Lower Kern at Miracle Hot Springs in the summer of 2000. The event was a memorable sendoff for Olympic athletes on their way to compete in Sydney.
KVRC appreciates the hard work of the more than 400 volunteers, translators, sponsors, businesses, organizations, chambers of commerce, media, and other
groups that supported the 2003 Wildwater World Cup Races. Thank you!
For more information, contact Terry Valle at (818) 340-3083 or Sierra South (760) 376-3745